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duminică, 13 noiembrie 2011

Hawfinch - Coccothraustes Coccothraustes

Coccothraustes coccothraustes (Linnaeus, 1758) Hawfinch is the scientific name used in zoology to refer to commonly known hawfinch and this one species of bird of the genus Coccothraustes within the family Fringillidae . Stealthy and difficult to observe, is one of the largest, most robust and compact finches . Orange-brown, has a characteristic "mask" black, and wings of heterogeneous and dark color, where stands a white stripe and dark blue color of the tips. She lives in forests deciduous , where it feeds mainly on seeds hard to open with its powerful beak. Dispatched by Palearctic . Carolus Linnaeus in 1758 was the first to describe this species for science. The species has six subspecies.The Hawfinch has a length of between 16.5 and 18 inches , while the wingspan measures ranging from 29 to 33 inches. The body weight of this species is between 48 and 62 grams or so. The females usually have the lowest measures, and therefore have smaller size and weight than males.
In terms of physiognomy, described as a typical finches, robust figure, thick neck, large round head and a broad, strong, conical peak of metallic appearance which comes their common name (Hawfinch). Their legs are short, pinkish in tone clear and also very short tail.
His eyes are brown, but to go into more detail must go back to 1957 , the year in which Mountfort notes and states that after driving to hawfinch for banding and therefore in a state of excitement, the eyes of this turn of an intense reddish-chocolate color. In addition, note that immediately after death, the eye color is white, and examined in the light of the sun could be defined as pink amber.
In terms of plumage should be noted that much more striking is the male than the female (paler in tone), introducing the beautiful colors highlighting its wings and head. Broadly speaking, the overall color of its plumage is brown, being the head of an orange tone, as though face a lighter shade, with eyes surrounded by a thin black border that extends deep into the peak on a strip of eye diameter size, surrounding thin rim also in all the peak and down the throat is also black. Since the lateral neck and the top of the (head), color is light gray. Around the belly and the undersides are brown to brownish-white, except on the legs is whitish-gray. The wings are quite heterogeneous in terms of color, being the inner parts of the same color as the back, dark brown, and the outer parts of intense black. In the middle and from the start to tip, the wings have a fringe of feathers first white, then brown-brown and finally the ends are blue, purple or green, dark tone. The tail feathers are for the start of chestnut brown on top and white on the bottom, continuing in a darker brown and white at the tips, featuring black feathers on the outer edges.


Distribution Map Coccothraustes coccothraustes. Note the character palearctic except for the anomaly of Alaska .
Distribution is a kind of Palearctic , found throughout Europe and Asia or Eastern Temperate (including northern Japan ) as well as in northern Africa ( Morocco , Tunisia and Algeria ). Occasionally, the Hawfinch has also been sighted in Alaska , where it is considered according to the American Ornithologist Union (AOU) a kind of adventitious presence.
However, despite being a species widely distributed throughout Europe, the Hawfinch is absent in Iceland , most of the British Isles (not in Ireland ), most of Scandinavia , and certain Mediterranean islands. If distributed in the south (from the Iberian Peninsula to Bulgaria ) and Central Europe, also including England and southern Sweden .
In Asia, located in Asia Minor , the region of Caucasus and northern Iran , Afghanistan and Turkestan . It also inhabits Siberia , Manchuria and North Korea .


The Grosbeak is a migratory in part by groups of more northern birds south for the winter. The bird banding permits to collect data that demonstrate this fact. In 1960 , the ornithologist KH Voous populations postulated that European wintering in more northern Mediterranean countries. In Spain you have come to recover from population studies in campaigns, twelve grosbeaks were banded in West Germany , one in East Germany , five in Belgium , five in Switzerland , four in Czechoslovakia , three in France and one in Holland . However, the ornithologist Paul Herroelen , notes that some central European populations of the Hawfinch, such as Belgium, are more sedentary and erratic. However, Bernis said that the data found recoveries obtained as previously indicated, five of the twelve West Germany, two of five in Belgium, one of four in Czechoslovakia, and five in Switzerland, are ring- during the breeding season, which means that sedentary populations of the Iberian peninsula , in winter they are joined by a large contingent of migrant grosbeaks come from Central Europe


The species was classified coccothraustes Coccothraustes for the first time in 1758 by zoologist Carl Linnaeus , who described in the genus Loxia , consisting of both initially and "Loxia coccothraustes". Later, Pallas agreed that it was a Hawfinch species outside the genus Loxia, and renamed it coccothraustes vulgaris, but eventually, as in the nineteenth century , zoologist London RB Sharpe gave it its present name (Coccothraustes coccothraustes), is currently owned and thus the gender Coccothraustes , classified in the family Fringillidae in the order of Passeriformes . The gender hawfinch only shares two other species, Coccothraustes abeillei and Coccothraustes vespertinus .
As a species itself is described 6 groups or subspecies :
  • Buvryi Cc, typical of Algeria and Tunisia , present in Morocco . Much grayer than C. c. coccothraustes. sorted by Cabanis in 1862 . Also used the synonym C. c. burryi.


Male Hawfinch.
Typically, the Hawfinch breeding and living during the spring in deciduous forests with species of large trees and broadleaf provide them seeds or hard fruits (see oak , oak , beech , ash , elm , maple ) as well as in parks and Gardens large human populations (more rarely). Locally also found in mixed and pure forest conifers , although the range of its habitat may be even more diverse, pinpointing in undergrowth , orchards, or even in open spaces, provided they are not too far from a basic source of water.
During the autumn and winter, the woods looking to provide you with more food, particularly those with hornbeam , plum , cherry and yew . In terms of occupation altitudinal habitat, develops hawfinch very different levels, present from the coastline to altitudes very near the limit of tree growth. Population densities of this species are less than 0.1 birds per 10 hectares of habitat, is thus a little bird.


Hawfinch diet consists primarily of hard seeds mainly large trees but also ingest some fruit, which manages to break through their strong beaks, which in turn driven by a powerful well developed muscles.
Grosbeak at a feeder in Bytom , Poland .
The crushing force of this little bird is equivalent to a load of 30 to 48 kg approximately, although some authors are more than 50kg. In this way he succeeded in opening the bones of cherry and hackberry , two of the most common food most covet. Other common food of this bird are the pine nuts and beechnuts . They are also able to break the bones of the olives , for which action is needed (from tests) forces from 53 to 80 kg. in their diet also enter certain berries , buds , and during the spring , some caterpillars that capture.
The feeding behavior of hawfinch usually form small groups or sides to feed, especially during the winter.
In summary, an essay hawfinch food for more specific, taking into account the variety of seeds ingested is large, which would be included during the summer and the start of winter , seeds of elm , hornbeam , maple and there ; during the autumn and winter the fruits of the rose , rosehips , and hawthorn , and the end of winter the tender shoots of the oak and the shoots of yew . With the arrival of spring caterpillars eat some located in the leaves of trees, such as the Operophthera brumata and Tortrix viridana and also hunt some beetles ( Lucanus cervus or Melolontha ).


In April begins the breeding season the Hawfinch, comprising the laying of this species about 4-6 eggs and produce from April to May . The incubation is carried out only by the female (the male provides the food), and lasts about 12 days. They often breed in small colonies. Present a single set per year, although very favorable habitats could be two.

wedding party

As described by Mountfort , the males present during an early spring plumage rich and fluffy, and is then ready for the approach to the female, resulting in a lie and zigzag. A female often hostile reception, so that males should appear pushy. When you reach the attention of the female, the male places the body very straight, displays tail feathers of the wings up and down with their ends touching the ground. That's when the female begins to feel interest, and displays smooth bending with feathers and skin-tight, and later move, either jump or short flight, being followed by the male. Then the male takes his beak into the belly as if making a bow, showing the gray area that has the plumage of the nape of the neck. Finally to close the courtship, the male spreads its wings and walks toward the female, which lengthens the peak for the male with his penalties come to touch him.


Nesting begins in late April or early May . The male is where anyone looking to start building the nest , and will do so carefully, repeatedly visiting the area chosen the weeks before the start of construction, until they finally decide to put the first structures of the nest while the female who will be to complete. The materials used are basically rootlets, fine stems, lichens, etc.., Coating the inside with hairs. Its shape is cup. They build the nest at a variable height, hardly less than 3 m, usually located between 7 and 20 m, in large trees and in old orchards, but also in leafy bushes.


The setting is usually hawfinch about 4 to 6 eggs , and the most common hatch 5, although the implementation may even consist of 7 eggs (by contrast, placed less than 4 eggs are very rare). of various colors, can be described in light blue or gray-green, all in shades of pale, sometimes only gray, but always with stains and spots in shades of brown and blackish. With regard to size, according to studies ornithologist British Jourdain , performed based on 100 eggs hawfinch the United Kingdom , will present a 24'2 x measures 17.4 mm on average, with a 27'6 x 17'1 maximum mm and a 19'8 x 15'7 minimum mm.


At birth, devoid of feathers , have a rich and long white down. It describes the oral cavity and tongue pink, with the front of the palate of red on a purple, are also seen whitish protrusions. As for the corners, we can see the color yellow . The diet of the chicks is based on insects and caterpillars , which will be provided by the father and mother. They leave the nest to the ten or twelve days or so, even if it is attended by both adults for at least another two weeks.


Presents a weak voice, that seems like a kind of explosive zic, also described as a metal tsicc, or sometimes as a TISC TISC repeated at irregular intervals. More noise in flight. It also issues short-sib gently while moving among the branches.
His time of singing ranges from February through early June. Sing little, makes a similar edge to his voice base, being short and poorly designed with little notes. Is played by Tucker and Nicholson as a Chi-Chi ... ter-ui-ui, although variations are described and most melodious sound but fairly basic.
Sometimes some specimens also sing out of time, Mountfort says observations of male singing a January 16, 20 July and 16 September.
Although females also sing, make you more weakly.
In the altered state launches a hissing Kiu, and the subject in hand srriiit Launches more pervasive and guttural.


The Hawfinch has a flying fast and straight path over short distances, even over long distances in air describes a ripple marked and regular. Being on the ground while foraging range hopping, and fly to hide in the trees to a minimum when they sense any danger . During the spring are captured insects even in flight. The physiognomy of hawfinch does a bird in flight characteristic silhouette, giving the sensation of having some wings too short for such a robust body also shows the white flight from the tip of its tail. In their movement from one tree to another, or moving from forest to forest, flying at altitudes above 50 and 100 meters , making it even more commonly than 200 meters. They can fly solo or in small groups.

Population Status and Threats

Grosbeak perched on a branch.
It features a large world population and, although they have not quantified the global trends of this population, as determined by the IUCN Red List can be assured that there will be a decrease of over 30% in ten years or three generations.
BirdLife International estimated population European and 4'1 from 2.4 million breeding pairs.
In Spain , according Purroy in 1997 , the population of this species was about 4000 or 5000 breeding pairs. This finding is supported by the Atlas of breeding birds in Spain, in the year 2003 targets a population of nearly about 5000 pairs. According to some data from the program SACRE, in 2005 the Spanish population trend is increasing.
Globally the species is not included, according to the revision in 1996 , the Red List of IUCN .
Since 1988 , when the species was listed first by Collar and Andrew, the Hawfinch is a species whose conservation status is Least Concern (LC, Least Concern), and so would be listed in future revisions by BirdLife International , from the first in 2000 to that of 2008 .
In Spain the Hawfinch has since 1992 as a non-endangered species in the Red Book of Vertebrates , showing the status of species of special concern since April 5 of 1990 by Royal Decree 439/1990, coinciding with all regional catalogs exception of the Basque Country, is a Vulnerable species since 1996 .
Threat factors are basically the hawfinch destruction and loss of habitat , since it is a very sensitive to changes in it. Another possible factor of threat, according to the National Catalogue of Endangered Species , is hunting for birders, and even hunting rifle also by hunters.


The Hawfinch is a shy species and elusive , is thus a difficult bird to observe . With good weather and optimal climatic conditions vary their behavior, as this is the time it becomes more visible. He spends his life in the branches of trees higher in those poses, especially in breeding season, at which point it becomes more difficult to study their habits. Throughout his life, almost down to the ground only when it goes in search of seeds , action that rarely moves away over the tree, but can also be observed more easily when you have to drink, and as a bird who prefers not to stay too long on land, the Hawfinch needs to develop its life in areas with a clear proximity of water.
By eating and drinking with other birds, the Hawfinch is aggressive and dominant, both copies of the same species as those of others even larger.
The territoriality is variable, so that if the couples are raising hawfinch in small colonies, as often happens, the territory defended by each pair is very small, but when the pair is not nesting colonies with others, it can occupy and defend to a forest -wide. According to Mountfort , the behavior of established breeding colonies is a much greater survival value, since nest together with the group of couples that this implies, provides a greater ability to defend against predators to the nest.


  • The Hawfinch can live up to 5 years.

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